Monday Musings + Links I Love

find rest oh my soul

How was y’alls weekend? Ours consisted of family, friends, football, and tennis-aka, a GREAT weekend. Also, daylight savings time is really screwing with us. We ate dinner at 4:45 last night. It’s fine. The only good thing about a rainy Halloween is the excuse to wear these:Image

I love dressing up, but because of my test, I did not want to do anything that required much time or money. Solution-Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin! Here’s what I used:
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Our Halloween party was a success! Too much great food and lots of great people. Sadly, we only had 2 trick or treaters!Pumpkin Fruit Plate Image 3

Finally got back to writing some thank-you notes. Look how cute these are! My super-talented friend Leah designed them! Check out her shop here.
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Here are some things that caught my eye last week:

Dawson’s Creek. All grown up. Love seeing what my childhood friends are up to these days!

The Grizzlies heart Memphis. And I heart them.

If I could dance like these kids, I wouldn’t stop. Like ever.

I heart George W. Whether you agree with his political views or not, this video of George and his granddaughter Mila is adorbs. As is this pic of the former president and baby astronaut celebrating Halloween.

Happy Monday!



Halloween Bash

Halloween Bash

One of my friends and I are wanting to throw a little Spooktacular Soiree. Here’s are some tricks and treats on my radar to make for a good party

1. These whoopie pies (maybe with this in the middle) 2. Some yummy monster munch 3. A hot cider if it’s happens to be chilly 4. This festive twist on a cheese ball  5. Pretty table decorations 6. How cute is this pumpkin cooler? 7. I’m always a sucker for owls (hootie hoot y’all) 8. Apple Cider Slushies?! I think yes 9. Easy, DIY fabric garland

Happy Friday!!
